How to make plural (singular and Plural)

How to make plural?

There are different rules regarding pluralization of singular nouns. It depends on what letter a noun ends. As we know in English language, especially in writing, we often need to use plural nouns instead of their singulars. For that we must know the rules of pluralization.

We can often make a noun plural just by adding s at the end of the noun.

For Example:

·       Book +s   = Books
·       Cat +s      = Cats
·       Girl +s     = Girls
·       House +s = Houses
·      Shop +s   = Shops

If the singular noun ends in (s, ss, ch, sh, o, x, or z), then simply add ‘s, es at the end to make it plural.

For Example:

·       Bus +es           = Buses
·       Class +es         = Classes
·       Church +es      = Churches
·       Bush +es         = Bushes
·       Mango +es      =Mangoes
·       Zero +s            = Zeros
·       Studio +s         = Studios
·       Fox +es           = Foxes
·       Blitz +es          = Blitzes
·       Hero +es         = Heroes

In some cases nouns ending in (‘s’ or ‘z’) require double the ‘s’ or ‘z’ before adding ‘es’ to make its pluralization.

For Example:

·       Gas +s +es = Gasses 
·       Fez +z +es = Fezzes

If the singular noun ends in (‘y’) and there is a consonant letter before ‘y’, then change ‘y into ‘i’ and add ‘es’ afterward to make it plural.

For Example:

·       Activity   Activiti +es     = Activities
·       Berry       Berri +es         = Berries
·       City         Citi +es            = Cities
·       Country   Countri +es     = Countries
·       Duty        Duti +es          = Duties
·       Lady        Ladi +es          = Ladies
·       Puppy      Puppi +es        = Puppies

If the singular noun ends in (‘y’) and there is a vowel letter before ‘y’, then simply add ‘s’ at the end of ‘y’ to make it plural.

For Example:

·       Boy +s     = Boys
·       Key +s     = Keys
·       Ray +s     = Rays
·       Tray +s    = Trays

If the singular noun ends in (‘f’ or ‘fe’) then ‘f’ is often changed to ‘v’, then simply add ‘s, es’ to make it plural.

For Example:

·       Half         Halv +es          Halves
·       Knife       Knive +s          Knives
·       Leaf         Leav +es         Leaves
·       Scarf        Scarv +es        Scarves
·       Wife        Wive +es         Wives
·       Wolf        Wolv +es         Wolves

In case there are two vowels before ‘f’, then simply add  ‘s’ at the end to make it plural.

For Example:

·      Belief +s       = Beliefs
·      Chief +s        =Chiefs
·      Roof +s        =Roofs

Note:- this rule doesn't apply on a noun “leaf” and it is also an irregular verb.

If the singular noun ends in (‘is’), then it will change to ‘es’ to make it plural.

For Example:

·      Analysis       Analyses       = Analyses
·      Crisis            Crises           =Crises
·      Ellipsis         Ellipses         =Ellipses

If the singular noun ends in (‘on’), then it will change to ‘a’ to make it plural.

For Example:

·      Criterion            Criteria         = Criteria
·      Phenomenon      Phenomena  = Phenomena

Although! There are some nouns that remain same either singular or plural.

For Example:

·      Deer             = Deer
·      Sheep           = Sheep
·      Species         = Species
·      Series           = Series

Irregular Nouns

These nouns do not follow any rules, so! They should be memorized, or consult any better English dictionary for its proper usage.

For Example:

·      Child     = Children
·      Tooth     = Teeth
·      Foot       = Feet
·      Goose    = Geese
·      Man       = Men
·      Mouse   = Mice
·      Ox         = Oxen
·      Person   = People
·      Woman  = Women

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